IYD Cooperative Meeting Agenda and Minutes 10/7/16, 6:30pm- 8:30pm
- Welcome and Introductions
- Share names--Gwi-Seok, Erin, Kelley, Nicci, Suai, Beata, Darlene, Chris B, Thelma (notes--Gwi-Seok)
- Review agenda
- Updates on space and business status
We need to move out of 10021 by mid Nov. How to arrange entry. Consult with Becky Lloyd at Audubon Yoga. L3C papers filed. EIN acquired and bank account will be opened Monday.
- Discuss Cooperative structure
- Committees, roles, chairs and members, immediate tasks
- Finance--banking, bills, payroll, Punchpass
- Financial update: After rent was paid, we presently have a total of $1391.15 ($250.15 that we have access to; $1,141 in checks that haven’t been deposited). - AA
- Nicci will look into switching to PP and check w Michele about payroll and mindbody reconciliation.
- Darlene is joining. Angela and Nicci will let Darlene know where she can fill in.
- Darlene will check with Angela about bookkeeping system.
- Administration--legal forms, insurance, day-to-day functions, events
- Is work-study still relevant? Only for occasional projects, not day-to-day functions. Needs to be approved by co-op. Carpentry, maintenance (?), professional services (accounting, legal work). Kelley will ask lawyer friend for referrals re legal work and accounting.
- Fundraising/Events committee--Gwi-Seok, Rashmi, Erin, Darlene (food), Nicci, Gwi-Seok
- Fri 16 December--BKS Iyengar birthday celebration--idea to make it a big event to showcase all CIYTs, gather all CIYTs in region, big media splash. Subcommittee will meet and plan.
- Community Partnership committee--Thelma, Kelley, Gwi-Seok
- Events outside the studio. Examples in the past: Porous Borders, Hamtr public schools, Detroit is the New Black, Eastern Mkt flash mob
- Site--moving out of 10021, cleaning/laundry, props maintenance, store, beautification
- Darlene, Beata, and Thelma are laundry volunteers and will work out a system
- Needs: cabinet/shelf, baskets/bins, tablet or laptop (Nicci has a friend), shoe rack, rug runners
- Is the Square in Michele’s account? Nicci will check.
- Space Sharing subcommittee:
- White noise machine--Darlene will bring
- Check with Meiko and Michele about kitchen schedule (Gwi-Seok).
- Homespun Hustle wants to rent space for storage and workshops. 65/35 split for workshops? $ ___ for storage rental space.
- Darlene renting space for acupuncture--8-10 hours/week, need storage space for table etc, $60/session, do a 65/35 split
- Gwi-Seok will chair this committee.
- Media and Communications--social media, website, newsletters, printed material
- Haven’t followed up with anyone right now. Erin, Gwi-Seok & I, have been maintaining website, newsletters and social media. In regards to posters, print/digital media and photography/videography, what is desired? What seems like priorities for this committee? After knowing this, I can reach out to those who have signed up to help in those ways. - AA
- HGS: talked to Julia Cuneo and Kelley about making a general postcard and flier. Will continue cultivating convo with them. Also talked to Kelley about a brochure describing the co-op (future project).
- Chris sees the space as good potential for privates in the afternoons.
- Groupon? Nicci and Darlene will crunch the numbers. Interest in taking it down. Alternatives? Darlene “First Friday Free.” Pay it forward bulletin board.
- Chris: who are the influencers in the community? Who are the leaders who will bring people? Have clear ways to communicate what Iyengar Yoga is. Call ourselves exclusively Iyengar Yoga to distinguish ourselves from generic yoga.
- Revolving testimonials on the website.
- Focus group with our students or survey.
- Kelley--radio spots. Will talk to boyfriend about getting us on his radio show.
- Print and online publications:
- Natural Awakenings--6-8 week lead time
- Ferndale Friends--free listing
- Hamtramck News
- Metro Times
- Invite media here for a special class--BKS Iyengar’s birthday
- Membership structure--give details later
- $50/basic membership
- $200+/owner members with 6-10 hours labor/month and end-of-year profit sharing (80% of net profit? what about $100/year, 2 hours labor/month, 20% of net profit? Or some such formula based on hours contributed? Because I think there are folks who do NOT have 6-10 hours/month to give, but still want to be involved. HGS)
- Decision-making process--not discussed but organizational chart draft here
- Values and Vision for Cooperative (maybe set separate date--mini-retreat in Nov? invite all members?)
- Next meeting date Fri 28 Oct 7pm
Future topics for discussion:
- Pricing structure of classes - I’ve had a handful of people in the last couple weeks tell me that they would like to start coming, but think the cost of our classes is too high, I know we’ve talked about this over and over again as teachers, but maybe this would be a good topic to introduce to the co-op at some point - ES
- I would be open to this conversation as well. Maybe a conversation, for retreat. - AA