We have entered week 4 of our closure. How are you holding up? Here is a sequence to banish the feeling of staleness that can come from a physical confinement. Until we can throw our windows open and move about freely, we can create inner refreshment, and rid ourselves of toxins we may be accumulating in our bodies and minds.
This sequence, recorded by Milwaukee's Riverwest Yogashala Iyengar Yoga practitioner, Sara Arends Haggith, was taught almost a year ago at the IYNAUS Convention, by Abhijata Sridhar, BKS Iyengar's granddaughter, who co-runs the Iyengar Institute in Pune, India, with her uncle, Prashant Iyengar.
It features a variety of twists done in many unconventional ways. At the convention, Abhi commented that there were many photos left out of LIGHT ON YOGA, including many of these twist variations. Try them all out, break out of known and habitual patterns, and have fun. Let us know what you observe from this sequence, and how you feel. Drink lots of water afterwards to help flush yourself out. Enjoy!
Gwi-Seok for IYDC
Here is a short video of my favorite Marichyasana III variation from this sequence: